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What Is Breast Implant Revision?

Breast implant revision is the surgical removal and/or replacement of silicone or saline implants. This procedure is utilized in order to change the size or shape of previously placed breast implants, or to correct complications that arose from a previous breast augmentation. It can also be to completely remove a previous implant and/or the surrounding implant capsule.

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Should I Have a Breast Implant Revision?

Patients who suffer from capsular contracture, implant rupture, or implant rippling can also benefit from a breast revision in Tampa. If you are unhappy with how your breasts look, the next logical step would be to look into breast implant revision. It is essential to consult with Dr. Buchanan, or a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine if this procedure will benefit you. Dr. Buchanan will check that you are in good overall health and check your full medical history. If you smoke, Dr. Buchanan advises stopping smoking for at least six weeks pre and post-surgery.

Breast Revision Results

While you may see an immediate change in your breasts when the bandages are removed, your breasts will still change over the next few months. It takes roughly six months for the swelling to completely subside and for breasts to “drop” into their final position. Scarring will also need plenty of time to completely heal. Depending on your genetics, it can sometimes take up to one year for scars to fade and settle.

Once your breasts have settled into their final position, you can expect beautiful, symmetrical results that will last long-term. The best way to preserve long-lasting results is to adhere to a healthy diet and exercise regimen, maintain a consistent weight, and follow any recommendations that Dr. Buchanan provides.

How Much Does Breast Implant Revision Surgery Cost? Prices starting at $9,000

The cost of a breast revision in Tampa can vary significantly depending on the complexity of your case. As it is a cosmetic procedure, health insurance companies do not cover the cost. The total cost of the procedure may include:

  • Anesthesia fees
  • Operating room costs
  • Compression garments for post-surgery
  • Surgeon fees

However, the initial cost may not include other expenses such as blood tests, pre-operative testing, medical clearance exams, and prescription medications.

Several other factors can influence the cost of the procedure, such as:

  • The surgeon's experience and reputation
  • The techniques used
  • The complexity of the case

For instance, highly experienced or reputable surgeons may charge more, and the complexity of the case can affect the cost of the procedure. Additionally, the location of the surgeon's practice can also impact the cost of the procedure, as larger cities often have higher operational costs. If you are interested in a breast revision but have financial limitations, you can discuss financing options with Dr. Buchanan or any of the VIVIFY staff members. They offer financing plans to help patients achieve their surgical goals.

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Will Insurance Cover My Breast Implant Revision?

Usually, health insurance providers do not cover the cost of breast implant revision as it is considered a cosmetic procedure. It's important to note that certain insurance policies may mandate a minimum amount of tissue removal, which is another reason we choose not to proceed with surgery under the instruction of the insurance company at VIVIFY as we choose to prioritize the patient’s aesthetic goals rather than meet an arbitrary tissue removal requirement. It's crucial to understand your financial obligations before undergoing any surgical procedures.

Before & After Breast Revsion


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Benefits of Breast Revision Surgery

Breast revision surgery offers several advantages for individuals looking to improve the results of a previous breast augmentation or correct complications. Key benefits include:

  • Enhanced symmetry: Corrects uneven breast size or shape.
  • Improved comfort: Relieves discomfort from complications like capsular contracture or implant rupture.
  • Refined appearance: Enhances the overall look of your breasts, addressing sagging or implant position.
  • Updated implants: Allows for replacing older implants with newer, safer options.
  • Personalized results: Tailored to meet your specific aesthetic and functional goals.

Dr. Buchanan’s expertise ensures that breast revision surgery is customized to deliver the best possible outcome for your needs.

Who Is a Candidate for Breast Revision Surgery?

Breast revision surgery is ideal for individuals who are unhappy with the results of a previous breast augmentation or are experiencing complications. You may be a good candidate for breast revision if:

  • Complications: You are experiencing issues like rupture, capsular contracture, or implant shifting.
  • Dissatisfaction: You are unhappy with the size, shape, or asymmetry of your breasts.
  • Changes: Your breasts have changed due to aging, pregnancy, or weight fluctuations.
  • Preference: You want to adjust the type, size, or placement of your implants, or remove them.
  • Health: You are in good health, with realistic expectations, and are a non-smoker or willing to quit.

Dr. Buchanan can assess your situation and help determine if breast revision surgery is right for you.

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Top Tips for a Speedy Breast Revision Recovery

  • Try to incorporate light movement and activity to promote blood circulation soon after surgery. This will also help to prevent blood clots.
  • Position yourself to sleep on your back for the first few weeks post-op. Do your best to avoid sleeping on your side.
  • Avoid external stressors, such as exercise, excessive bending, or heavy lifting.
  • Get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet.
  • Dr. Buchanan or one of the VIVIFY team members will advise on when you can safely resume normal activities such as showering, washing your hair, going back to work and operating a vehicle.
  • Keep your wounds clean and dry to avoid infection.
  • Avoid wearing a bra that contains an underwire. We recommend wearing a surgical bra or a sports bra until your wounds have completely healed and all of the soreness has subsided, typically 8 weeks, post-op.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure to your breasts. This could lead to discoloration and permanent scarring.
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Why Choose Vivify for Your Breast Revision Surgery?

At Vivify Plastic Surgery, we specialize in breast revision procedures that address issues such as implant displacement, capsular contracture, or changes in breast size. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Buchanan, brings extensive experience and expertise, ensuring your revision surgery is tailored to your unique needs.

Dr. Buchanan prioritizes patient safety and satisfaction, using advanced techniques to deliver natural-looking results with minimal downtime. Whether correcting a previous augmentation or updating your look, trust us to restore your confidence with compassionate care and exceptional outcomes.

Breast Revision FAQs

Do implants cause breast cancer?

Will a breast augmentation prevent me from breastfeeding?

How old do I have to be for breast augmentation?

How much pain will I be in after the surgery?

How long do implants last?

How do I know what size is right for me?

How long will swelling last?

When can I start working out again?

When will my breasts “drop”?

What bras should I wear after surgery?

How much time do I need off from work?

Do implants cause breast cancer?

Studies have indicated that silicone implants are not linked to breast cancer. While having breast implants may affect the imaging of the breasts during mammography and other surveillance exams, it will not hinder the detection or diagnosis of cancer. However, there is a slight increase in the risk of developing a rare form of immune system cancer called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). This type of cancer has been found in the breast tissue of individuals with textured breast implants, which are not commonly used in most breast augmentation procedures.

Will a breast augmentation prevent me from breastfeeding?

Breast implants usually do not prevent women from breastfeeding, but there is a small percentage of women (approximately 1% to 5%) who cannot breastfeed for other medical reasons even without implants. However, it is not yet possible to determine if you are part of this group before having the surgery.

How old do I have to be for breast augmentation?

According to FDA regulations, women must be at least 18 years old to receive saline breast implants and at least 22 years old to receive silicone implants.

How much pain will I be in after the surgery?

After undergoing your breast revision in Tampa, it is common to experience mild discomfort and pain. The level of pain you experience will depend on the placement of the implant. Typically, submuscular placement is more painful than subglandular placement. However, with proper pain management, the pain can be managed effectively. Within 3-7 days after the surgery, most patients are able to stop using strong pain medications and can switch to an over-the-counter pain reducer, such as Tylenol.

How long do implants last?

Implants are designed to be long-lasting but are not considered lifetime devices. While they do not have an expiration date, there is a possibility that they may need to be replaced or revised at some point during their lifespan. This could be due to changes in the breast tissue, implant rupture, or a desire to change the size or shape of the breast.

How do I know what size is right for me?

Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon is the most effective way to determine the appropriate implant size for your needs. Your anatomy, measurements, and overall objectives will all factor into the final decision. Additionally, we use Crisalix, a virtual reality 3D imaging software, which allows patients to see how different implants will look on their 3D model to aid in making implant choices.

How long will swelling last?

Most of the swelling should subside within six weeks, but it can take several months, typically 3-6, to see the final results. To learn more, please schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Buchanan at our office.

When can I start working out again?

As previously stated, it is recommended to avoid vigorous exercise for at least two weeks after breast surgery to prevent early complications. Following this period, you may return to normal exercise routines, with the exception of any activities involving chest movement, such as pushing, pulling, and heavy lifting, which should be limited for six weeks after surgery. After this period, you can gradually resume your normal routine.

When will my breasts “drop”?

Generally, it takes three to six months post-op for the breasts to settle into their final position.

What bras should I wear after surgery?

Following your breast surgery, we advise you to wear either elastic, stretchy bras, or surgical compression bras. It's best to avoid bras that have an underwire or internal padding and structure for at least six weeks after surgery. The ideal bra should provide a snug compression and good support without being too tight and altering the shape of your breasts.

How much time do I need off from work?

The recommended time off work after breast revision surgery varies from person to person and depends on their individual circumstances and job requirements. We generally suggest taking three to seven days off, but it's important to discuss any concerns or questions about your work duties with Dr. Buchanan.

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